So I finally managed to upload a few pictures of the house. This is what I purchased, and tomorrow I'll post the first round of demo time. Yes the pictures are terrible. I didn't take the time to take proper pictures, so you can't get a good idea of the size of the rooms, but I vow that as of today I will do my best to take accurate and clear pictures. Amen.
This is walking through the front door. You can see steps going to the second floor, the bathroom on the first floor to the right, and the kitchen is in the back.
This is from the back door in the kitchen looking towards the front of the house. Obviously still ground level.
Downstairs bathroom came with free curtains.
On the second floor looking towards the backyard, and more stairs! Definitely my favorite room out of the house. There is a lot of detail to be seen in the big windows that are behind me in this picture. The trim work, the old wood, the high ceilings, and most of all, a hidden gem is in this room that you can't see. Can anyone guess what it is.
The view from what will most likely be my room:
This speck of a room on the third floor is located in the back of the house, overlooking the backyard. To the left of the wall is another room the same size.
There is the full bath on the third floor. Holy PINK. This is probably a 10 year old girls dream bathroom, and probably a lesbians dream bathroom as well. Pink on the walls, ceiling, floor, tub, toilet and sink, ew.
Thats all the pictures I have from the first day. There is another room towards the front of the house that is a good size and pretty clean. Oh there is also another set of stairs that goes into the attic which is storage, and has ANOTHER room in the front with views of Manhattan. How about that.
No more stairs from there, but there is a small ladder to the roof which should yield me some splendid views on Fourth of July.